Dieta Mixing Tool opens up versatile opportunities

Written by Dieta | Nov 29, 2021 7:08:00 AM

Today catering has a demand for a wide variety of tasty and healthy food in the most efficient way. For this reason, you need to cook various recipes on one cooking equipment. Ideally, the stirrer is easily modified making it incredibly versatile and equally well suited for preparing food from deserts to warm meals:

  • mashing products (e.g. potato purée)
  • whipped products (e.g. deserts)
  • delicate foods (e.g. milk-based products) or
  • heavy masses (e.g. raw cabbage)

Good news: Dieta kettles provide a way for this!

Dieta's unique 3-part Dieta Mixing Tool is a patented design and consists of three parts; a center axis and two convertible side
attachments. This provides the possibility to vary the tool according to the requirement of cooked food. The ergonomic in the kitchen is ensured with easy-to-install and change tool parts - even when ingredients are already in the kettle. In addition, the parts of the tool can be washed in the standard washing machine.

Standard mixing tool for almost all cooking

The mixing tool with standard side attachments is always included in DIETA mixer kettles and is suitable for almost all mixing and almost all recipes.

Mixing modes:

A standard tool is a universal tool that fits all mixing modes and all speeds.


The standard tool consists of a bottom scraper and side scraper attachments. If with the standard tool the product does not mix but rather stays as one mass, it is possible to try auto-reverse mixing modes, using only bottom scrape or mixing hook special tool.

Whipping desserts and smooth sauces

A whipping attachment is suited for adding air into light products or optionally for mixing light and smooth products. Product structure should be light and allow the whipping tool to easily pass through (e.g. cream, egg whites, smooth sauces, etc.). The lightweight tool cannot handle heavier masses.

Mixing modes:

Recommended speeds are ca. 60 for mixing (e.g. porridge, sauces) and 120 to 200 when whipping is needed to achieve desired product structure (e.g. hollandaise sauce, whipped cream). The whipping tool is recommended to be used only with
forward mixing modes (no auto-reverse).


Whipping attachment is typically used with bottom scraper attachment by replacing the side scraper attachment with a whipping tool. It is not recommended to use a whipping attachment without the bottom scraper as the bottom scraper helps to turn over the product in the kettle. This does not only improve mixing but also reduces the forces towards whipping attachment.

Mixing heavy products in the kettle

Mixing hook is most useful with heavy products (e.g.cabbage, dough, or meat mixes), it helps the heavy product to mix. Mixing hook is a choice for products that do not properly mix (=moves as a mass) with the standard tool.

Mixing modes:

Recommended speed for mixing hook is 60 to 100.


Mixing hook can be used alone (without other attachment) or with bottom scraper attachment. When using the bottom scraper with a mixing hook (e.g. grounding meat), the bottom scraper ensures mixing of product in the kettle bottom. Though, with products that have long shreds (like shredded cabbage) the bottom scraper attachment can prevent the product from
mixing. Then it is better to use only the mixing hook.

Quickly even mix

The folding tool will make the product raise and turn around. It is most useful for mixtures with less liquid. The folding tool makes you a green or pasta salad in next to no time, it helps to marinate your beef or chicken and is well suited for cold-base cooking mixtures.

Mixing modes:

The folding tool is for forward mixing modes only.


This tool fits the standard mixer tool centerpiece. It works well alone or can be combined with our other tool attachments. Typical selections are mixing hook or side scraper attachments.

Cost-effective and automatic washing tool

The washing tool and automatic washing programs make kettle cleaning easy and cost-effective. You save almost 80% water and 45 minutes of labor time in a day. The cleaning of the mixing kettle is extremely easy! 


Do you want detailed information about the use of different Dieta Mixer Tools? Download this matrix to learn which tool is best for different types of food: